Baybasin’s reaction to Erdogan’s comments regarding the tragic event in New Zealand


Baybasin’s reaction to Erdogan’s comments regarding the tragic event in New Zealand

Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s irresponsible comments are a reflection of his perverse mentality and of the official policy of the state of Turkey.

Erdogan and his fascist state will use any tragic event and create disharmony to present themselves as the saviours of Turks. Of course, the tragic event in Christchurch, New Zealand should be condemned as any other brutal attacks that take place against helpless civilians in any part of the world. 

The utmost respect must be accorded to New Zealand’s equitable Prime Minister, owing to the manner in which she has responded to this human tragedy. It shows her prowess as a leader.

Erdogan, in contrast, exposed himself as an Islamist version of Hitler, and that is why I am not at all surprised about his inappropriate announcement concerning Australian tourists.