Christmas message from hell


I have to welcome in another Christmas, my birthday, and New Year under the tyranny of the so-called ‘house of justice’ in the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

The real house of justice ought not to be a playground for corrupt paedophiles and their servants, as it is in Holland, when since 1995 I have been held hostage and have been treated to relentless indecent and inhumane conduct. I have been forced to submit to the tyranny imposed on me and my family: The intention behind this has been for me to bow my head and say ‘yes’ to the abusive and fake accusations of the justice system of the Netherlands.

Joris Demmink, Secretary-General of the Dutch Ministry of Justice at the time and his bunch of high-level officials were caught red-handed by Turkish officials in Turkey in the course of a paedophile party they were indulging in, back in 1995. Their case was covered-up with an agreement to find where Baybasin was and hand him over but they couldn’t actually do this because of international law; that meant they then had to try to keep him under control and make sure he wouldn’t be able to contribute to the Kurdish freedom movement – which is what Turkey demanded.

Demmink appointed judges, prosecutors and experts that were members of his paedophile club. As members they did his bidding. Those that didn’t follow his orders were removed from my case.

Since then the paedophile organisation based in Holland has followed the orders of the fascist state of Turkey. They have used their collaborators in high positions in England, Germany, Belgium and, of course, in the Netherlands along with their puppet international media organisations – mainly the BBC and mainstream British media (one following the other) – and, of course, the Turkish state media. This plan was laid so as to create a criminal image of me at the outset and then to use their paedophile prosecutors, judges, and their so-called ‘experts’ to legalise their criminal action and enforce the decision to keep me under lock and key.

My thanks go to my most decent and honest lawyer, Adèle van der Plas; Professor of Philosophy of Logic, Ton Derksen; Professor Grünwald; the technical expert, Mr. Kuylman; Mr Van de Ven; the expert of TNO; two experts of KPN; another Dutch expert, Mr Meijer, all these individuals are high qualified Dutch experts in the field. Two forensic specialists from the USA, and one of the world’s top technical experts from Israel, Mr Shlomo Peller; along with several honest members of the Dutch media and a number of other honourable members of the Dutch Justice department who established the ‘Restore Justice Foundation’.

All these individuals have made the facts of my case abundantly clear and how the fake claims were created using false evidence and then falsely based trials in Holland. I have to give my great thanks also to ‘Holy Man from Katwijk’, who has carried out very detailed investigations and shared details with the public on a Twitter account called ‘Truth hits everybody’. I also give my special thanks to a real priest and dear friend, Mr Simon van Groningen, and many others who have contributed to my defence, and sought to bring the truth to the public in court.

The fact is that I was kidnapped and am held hostage, and this has been ‘legalised’ through false charges and fabricated evidence by Turkish and Dutch officials. This kind of corrupt element from within the European Union has helped the fascist state of Turkey in crushing the Kurdish political movement. My case is just one example of it. The Kurdish nation has been left without the most fundamental protection of their human rights. But here, I also wish to commend the French President Emmanuel Macron, who has stood up to both Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey and Donald Trump of the USA and refused to allow them to get away with presenting a false picture of the brutal ‘jihad’ motivated Turkish invasion of Rojava (NW Syria).

So, here we are today; Turkey has become the organiser and leader of Islamist fundamentalist terror groups. I don’t have anything else to say other than to congratulate you: Despite all your tyrannical deeds, I am unbroken, and the Kurdish freedom movement has proven itself to be the critical and only protector of civilisation in the Middle East.

I will remember Holland with memories of some truly decent people and their good deeds, as above. I will do my best not to think about the criminal paedophiles in the Ministry of Justice but will make sure that they pay for the consequences of their wrongdoing in the courts of law in Holland and abroad. They will not get away with all that they have done to me and my family.

My very special children are all adults now. They are highly educated with the best degrees in their chosen fields from universities in the UK, and are living their lives based on high ideals. I also now have a wonderful grandson. I am very proud of them all.

Moreover, I have managed to organise along with my esteemed fellow Kurdish associates and friends of Kurdistan a new political movement. It is called the United States of Kurdistans Government in Exile. This movement will lead to the establishment of a United Kurdistan – the details can be seen on

So, this is where I am right now. I wonder what place those criminals who put me in this situation will find for themselves in hell? I just wonder! I wonder what their reward will be for doing their worst and for having seized control over my physical being, without ever managing to wrest control over my mind and spirit. I have to repeat once again – they have managed to put Turkey in the position that they are all in now. They could not break me or destroy the Kurdistan freedom movement. Kurdistan’s freedom movement has been advanced to the stage of laying the foundations for Kurdistan’s independence. You have to know the Kurdish people to understand how this has come about.

Finally, then, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my fellow Kurds, the good people of Holland, and friends and allies around the world – the United States of Kurdistan is dawning!

Hüseyin Baybaşin