Erdogan’s and Rutte’s Coronavirus


There is some information on social media in Holland about that a man called Locadia was sent to the prison where I am, and even placed in the cell next to my cell. Last Tuesday this man was sent to the prison hospital in Scheveningen with the diagnose of the Coronavirus. It seems the Ministry of Justice and the prison’s head office in Den Haag were aware of his diagnose before, however the prison personal, management and medical department were not aware of this. The information suggests that the Ministry of Justice organized the placement of this Coronavirus infected inmate to be next to me, in order to infect me as well (I don’t know if this is true or not, because I don’t have any prove about it). Yet, this man was next to my cell, and on the request of the staff members I helped him sometimes. Besides, the staff members and medical department staff every day, multiple times these people went in and out of his cell without any protection. All of a sudden, this man was hospitalized on Tuesday the 17th of March with the positive diagnose of having the Coronavirus.

I have had some symptoms, but I am 70% better now because I am immune of any type of virus. But I am sorry to say that some medical staff members and guards are quarantined in their own houses. I know the Ministry Justices’ headquarter does not care about the prison staff members and inmates, and I also know that Mark Rutte is not acting as the prime-minister of all people in the Netherlands, he is just acting as the prime-minister of a pedophile criminal club. Just as Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey is not acting as the president of all the people in Turkey, rather as the leader of Islamist fundamentalist terrorist organizations. Marc Rutte and Recep Tayyip Erdogan are very dirty characters. Maybe they organized this attack on me, but they do not understand that I am immune for any virus or attack, because I have the duty the make sure the United States of Kurdistan gets official recognition.

I am fine, nothing is going to happen to me, however I am very sorry for the prison staff members situation.

Hisên Baybas