Take legal measures in order to stop the unlawful action of Turkey in Afrin and other parts of Kurdistan


Erdogan and his fascist state are murdering Kurdish civilian kids and are destroying Kurdistan nation’s livelihood and environment. They are real, destructive, fascist state linked by Erodgan. If you to want to see the proof of this, have a look at CCN publication represented by Hala Gorani today.

I would like to ask this question to the United Nations, the world leaders, leading countries, and those who are praying for worriers to fight against ISIS in the name of humanity. What are you going to do about this situation? Ask yourself this question while looking at the minor.

Turkish citizens are also not happy with this aggression that is taking place by the fascist state of Turkey against the Kurdish people in Afrin. Therefore they are protesting with civil right organisations.

My humble request to everyone: take all the legal actions, where ever you in the world are, to stop this fascist and unlawful actions of Turkey against the Kurdish nation. One could do this individually, in a group or together with civil right organisations. We have this option, let’s use this to stop the aggression of Turkey against the Kurdish nation in Afrin and other parts of Kurdistan.

With respect to everyone,
Huseyin Baybasin