UN send delegation of envoy to Turkey about mister Khashoggi’s case


UN send delegation of envoy to Turkey about mister Khashoggi’s case

Mister Khashoggi was murdered in Saudi-Arabia’s consulate in Istanbul. I wonder if the UN has any mandate ore responsibility to take such actions.

UN human rights report of 2015,2016 and 2017 about Turkey stated very clearly. Turkey committed ware-crimes and impose systematic genocide against Kurdisch population. UN established and published these reports because is was their job to do so, but they did not do anything about it. Wich means UN did not take any legal action against Turkey ore dictator Erdogan, the khalif of destruction.

By the UN law and regulation it is clear that UN is responsible to take such actions, however they did not act so.

I can not understand why UN will go after mister Khashoggi’s case, wich is not their job to do so, and why UN didn’t take legal actions against the serious crimes of Turkey and their officials, which is UN mandate and job.

UN is not a show- organisation to act in favour of fascist and criminal dictators. I strongly believe all of us have the responsibility to remind UN of their duty.

Erdogan and his ideology’s aim is to destabilise civilised society and right now the western democracy is their target. What is the UN reason to serve Erdogan and his destructive ideology.

UN goes so far and fires a decent judge because of Erdogan order. Well mr. UN, what is your next task? It seems UN’s roles and regulations have no meaning to UN’s leadership. If UN is out of order, who are we going to rely on?