I have been kidnapped by Holland’s Ministry of Justice and have been held hostage since 24-12-1995. I was kidnapped because of an agreement between the former Holland’s Ministry of Justice Secretary-General Joris Demmink and the Turkish government. My kidnapping was made up as if it was a legitimate arrest by Holland’s police, which was based on fake charges, fabricated fake evidence and prepared fake cases.

The Secretary-General of Holland’s Ministry of Justice, Joris Demmink, and his high-ranking companions were arrested in Turkey because of raping underage Turkish boys in a hotel in Bodrum (Turkey), while they were guarded by Turkish police officers. The charges brought up against Joris Demmink and his companions were raping underage Turkish boys. The content of the agreement between Joris Demmink’s group and the Turkish government was that the Turkish government would cover-up the rape case and Joris Demmink (and the Dutch government) would find Hüseyin Baybasin and extradite him to Turkey.

According to official documents, submitted to the Dutch court together with witness statements, Hüseyin Baybasin was considered as a state enemy to Turkey. He was named in a hit list, which was prepared by the former Turkish Prime Minister, Tansu Ciller and must, therefore, be eliminated. The Dutch government would be the executioner of Baybasin if the Turkish government covered the rape case. This was the base of the agreement.

Joris Demmink and the Turkish government concluded the agreement; the plan was designed between them for Baybasin. Since they could not find Baybasin, they started to create an ugly image of Baybasin and reported to the fake media organizations, which were working for them. Later on, Baybasin was kidnapped by the Dutch police on the border of Holland with Belgium in the city of Breda on 24-12-1995.

Every Dutch official involved with the Baybasin case is very well aware of the truth about the Baybasin situation. Every political party in Holland does have information about the Baybasin case in their hands. Every media organization and its members does have facts about the Baybasin case in their archives. All of the Ministry of Justice officials, every department of it, police, prosecutors, judges, prison governors, prison officers, prison priest, prison doctors, Ministry of Justice experts’ lawyers, etc, are fully aware of the facts of the case.

Most of them have done their best to make benefit of the Baybasin case. They have made benefit from Baybasin and his families’ suffering. Some of them kept silence because of simplistic self-interest.

However, there are a handful of dissent honorable officials who spook out. Attorney general Jan Koers and some other officials gave a statement to attorney general mr. Aben. Some high ranking officials of the Ministry of Justice formed the foundation “Restore Justice” and protested against their own government’s wrongdoing in the Baybasin case.

A great person from Katwijk has been acting with the spirit of Jesus Christ and Robin Hood of today. He is a very decent man and has a special character.

Lady Boudine has acted tireless and as one person with deeds in her way.

There were a small number of media members with independent and decency, while most of them have acted as a slave of a paedophile organization, led by Joris Demmink of Ministry of Justice.

Doctor Frödel was working in Lelystad and Zutphen as an official psychiatrist. He was a horror and the worse liar of all. To me, he is a tormented man from Turkey, not a doctor from Holland. Professor Wladimiroff was the worse of the lawyers I met. He acted as my lawyer while he was playing with Joris Demmink in the so-called boys club in Den Haag, Sociëteit De Witte, and other places around the world. Victor Koppe and Brita Böhler were also shameless.

I (Hüseyin Baybasin) am preparing a book to ring all of the dirty names in the public’s attention.

Of course, I will respectfully write about those honorable individuals and their great deeds as well.

Professor Ton Derksen is a very special Dutch man. For me, he is the top philosopher of our time with the highest quality and honor. He is an example for humankind. There are some doctors, who have a special place in my heart as well. Some lawyers also need to be mentioned on a clean page. Ms. Adele van der Plas is with her highest human quality and decent professionalism for me the queen of justice. My respect and appreciation for her will never be enough.

At the beginning of my kidnapping, some protest was performed by some of my fellow Kurdish people in Holland and England. It was getting out of control and misused by the fascist state of Turkey and there corrupt collaborators in Holland, England, and Germany. Some agents provoked very actively and brought serious distraction to my family. For this reason, I decided to stop protest actions and informed everyone by a public statement.

Nowadays, courageous Kurdish youth have asked my permission to organize some artistic activities under the name of “Free Baybasin” in protest of the injustice behaviour of Holland’s government. I thought about it and it reminded me of the beautiful song of Vili Ross and his friends about my case. It was touching and it surprised me. The song was correctly worded and beautifully performed. I appreciate it very much. Another song was performed by the Dutch rap musician Lange Frans, which was a very nice surprise to me as well. The Kurdish youth reminded me of these examples and convinced me to say “yes”. They have performed a beautiful song from their courageous heart. I congratulate them and I salute them for what they have done.

The words they used, their acts and their show are just mind-blowing. They are jumping on and kicking the military tanks. They are dancing on top of the tanks, which were made by Holland, Germany, England and sold to the fascist state of Turkey to murder Kurdish innocent peoples. The Kurdish people have not any other expectation than living on their own homeland in peace and harmony. Some Kurdish people have even put their life under Turkey’s and terrorist ISIS’s tanks to protect civilized values, because these tanks were used by Turkey and their partner ISIS to murder Kurdish heroes as well.

This courageous Kurdish youth jump on these tanks, dance on them and kick them. They represent the real Kurdish spirit. I am very proud of them and salute them from my heart. They are United State of Kurdistan’s (“USK”) youth and this is the way they have to be. Courageous, creative and effective. Off course, their actions must be according to the Rule of Law of the country they are living in. That is what matters to me. Also, their action must be according to the principles of Kurdishness.

The fascist state of Turkey, the occupier of Kurdish land, and their collaborators kidnapped me in Holland, abused me and my family with their dirty power to silence me. Here we are with a project of the USK. We are going to establish the USK for the sake of peace and stability, and most importantly, for the Kurdish people to live in their own independent state as a free Nation.

I ask the USK’s youth to continue their activities with decency, staying within the legal frame. Do not allow any agent provocateurs to spoil your activities and enjoy yourself meanwhile. Be civilized as you are, be creative as you are, and stay in legal line, which I believe that is your determination. Follow a high education, which is very important, and you will need it. Work hard and connect with the USK, which is the only way for the future of the Kurdish nation. Every decent and civilized person must support the USK’s project and be proud of USK’s youth for the sake of peace and stability in the civilized world.

Hüseyin Baybasin

See also:

Helsinki Commision – Demmink Trial Washington (A. van der Plas):

Kijk, luister en huiver (Ton Derksen):

Facts about the case:

Official documents under the tap “önemli belgeler”